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Our Guarantees

Note for Clarification: At no time should our New Business Bidding Success Guaranteed be misunderstood as a guarantee of automatic business if you use our program.  You must work the program, follow instructions, participate in the full program training, make your sales calls and follow through to maximize the New Business Bidding Success Guarantee that we offer with the program of your choice, etc.

New Business Bidding Success Guarantee
From $50,000.00 up to $5,000,000.00*
Yes, we are that confident in our proprietary bidding techniques and processes!
We work hard to make sure you are successful when using our programs.  That's why we offer a New Business Bidding Success Guarantee on most programs because we don't believe that failure is an option.  
How does it work?
For programs that include the New Business Bidding Success Guarantee, the program entitles you to unlimited Bid, RFQ, and RFP "review consultations" on bids over $10,000 in value until the program's guaranteed amount of new business in "gross sales" has been generated. This is for up to a one-year period from the date of the program start.  This means we are committing unlimited bid review resources to your company for a full year to help you dial in and tweak the bidding response process until the program's guaranteed minimum level of business has been achieved, up to a one-year period
In addition... in the event, you lose a bid after we have provided you with a full bid review consultation, if the guaranteed amount of business has not yet been generated per the selected program, the following may apply.  On the first bid/RFP loss, if needed, we will help you to obtain copies of the competitors' bids and/or pricing as they bid, through the Freedom of Information Act and/or other Public Information Laws as, and if we are able.  Once, and if obtained, we will then help you to analyze them and develop strategies to overcome those competitors on future bid opportunities. This is very powerful!
Note: For vendors to maximize the full benefit of any New Business Bidding Success Guarantee they are required to be proactive in working and managing their government accounts and be willing to put forth the required effort to respond to their perspective Bids, RFQs, RFPs or Contracts as issued.  Ultimately the success that your company experiences when using any of our programs is directly related to the effort and follow-through that your company is willing to put forth. 
Please see your selected program for specific details.  No cash redemption value.  Subject to change and termination without notice.  All rights reserved!  Programs can only include one type of guarantee.  (Note: We are not attorneys and cannot, and do not give or provide legal advice or services.) 
100% Success Guarantee
We want you to be successful!  This is why our LOCAL-100 Entry Level Program for small businesses includes a 100% Success Guarantee.  
How does it work?
For the programs that include the 100% Success Guarantee, we will provide you with unlimited bid review consultations to help dial in the tweak the bidding response process until you make your very first sale.  This is for up to a one-year period from the date of the program start.   
Note: For vendors to maximize the full benefit of any 100% Success Guarantee they are required to be proactive in working and managing their government accounts and be willing to put forth the required effort to respond to their perspective Bids, RFQs, RFPs or Contracts as issued.  Ultimately the success that your company experiences when using any of our programs is directly related to the effort and follow-through that your company is willing to put forth. 
Please see your selected program for specific details. No cash redemption value.  Subject to change and termination without notice. All rights reserved!  Programs can only include one type of guarantee.  (Note: We are not attorneys and cannot, and do not give or provide legal advice or services.) 

Short-cuts to Government Sales for Small Businesses eBook as sold on Amazon!

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